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Offer DocumentThe Offer Document is a legal document which sets out the terms of the offer and provides certain minimum information about the company in line with regulatory guidelines, to enable an investor to make an informed choice about investment. Investors are encouraged to seek independent financial advice from an appropriate advisor ahead of making any investment, and always consider the general risk warning.
Am I eligible to invest in Healthisense?We accept investment from sophisticated or wholesale investors as well as companies and trusts. At this stage, we do not accept retail investors. Sophisticated or Wholesale Investors Within Australia, the definition of a Sophisticated or Wholesale investor is someone who has: a gross income of $250,000 or more per annum in each of the previous two years; or net assets of at least $2.5 million. Sophisticated and wholesale investors must present Healthisense with a certificate issued by a qualified accountant before investing in an offer. Companies and Trusts Companies and Trusts are permitted to invest. For example, a Self-Managed Super Fund, or Family Trust. Healthisense does not currently provide a verification facility online for companies or trusts. If you are seeking to invest via a trust, please reach out to to enquire.
What are my Cooling-off Rights?An investor has a right to withdraw an investment for any reason (including if they have changed their mind about investing). An investor must notify Healthisense within five business days of submitting an investment (the Cooling-off Period) by emailing with their full legal name, number of shares and total amount invested. Once the Cooling off Period has passed, the investor is legally obligated to transfer investment funds.
How can I make a return on my investment?Investing in a company at the ground level can deliver benefits, particularly if the company proceeds to achieve its strategic milestones and a trending upward growth trajectory over time. It’s important to note however, that unlike listed shares on the stock exchange, which can be readily sold, equity investment are considered relatively illiquid, and therefore not able to be easily sold or a return may not be realised until an exit (e.g., a trade sale or IPO). No definitive statement on returns can be provided. Some of the ways an investor might make a return are, include: If the company is profitable, an investor could receive an annual payment based on the company’s profits, if the company chooses to share them (a dividend); If someone is interested in buying shares in the company, an investor could sell their shares to another person; If the Company is sold, an investor could receive part of the sale price based on the amount of the company they own (that is, the number of shares held) and dependent upon the rights attached to the shares.
Are SAFE notes acceptable?Yes, A Safe Note is acceptable.
How much can I invest?Eligible ‘Sophisticated’ or ‘Wholesale’ investors are not limited in how much they can invest in any investment offer.
Where can I get additional information?Please send an email to with any additional questions you may have.
What returns will I get?Financial projections are provided based on assumptions. There are no guarantees on returns.
What type of shares are being offered?The company will issue fully paid 'A' Class shares for investment capital. Depending on how much you are investing and whether or not you are bringing to the table some benefit to Healthisense other than just investment capital, (for instance an opportunity for Healthisense to participate in a particular market), may attract the issuing of Ordinary shares. Offers of other types of securities (e.g., partly paid shares, preference shares, options or debentures) are not currently permitted. For more information on the rights attaching to the share class, please contact us at
What is the minimum amount accepted for investment?The minimum amount of equity Healthisense will exchange for the issue of shares is $50,000 AUD.
Mandatory Risk Warning StatementInvesting in new or rapidly growing ventures is risky. Investment in these types of ventures is speculative and carries high risks. You may lose your entire investment, and you should be in a position to bear this risk without undue hardship. Even if the company is successful, the value of your investment and any return on the investment could be reduced if the company issues more shares. Your investment is unlikely to be liquid. This means you are unlikely to be able to sell your shares quickly or at all if you need the money or decide that this investment is not right for you. Even though you have remedies for misleading statements in the offer document or misconduct by the company, you may have difficulty recovering your money. There are rules for handling your money. However, if your money is handled inappropriately or the person operating this platform on which this offer is published becomes insolvent, you may have difficulty recovering your money. Ask questions, read all information given carefully, and seek independent financial advice before committing yourself to any investment.
How do I make an investment?You will be required to express interest in investing. To express an interest in investing, select Expression of Interest and proceed to indicate the investment range that you would likely consider investing. Prospective investors will then be sent the formal Offer document to review and submit an investment application. Eligible and verified investors will be provided bank transfer details who have submitted an investment application and a share certificate will be issued.
What is a SAFE note?A SAFE note is an agreement that can be used between a company and an investor. The investor invests money in the company using a SAFE. In exchange for the money, the investor receives the right to purchase stock in a future equity round (when one occurs) subject to certain parameters set out in the SAFE. The SAFE note has: no maturity date no interest rate an automatic conversion on any priced share issue, and a valuation cap - i.e. the maximum value to which the SAFE will convert. More information about Safe Notes can be found at: SAFE Notes |
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